So I fell
But I'm okay. It was your average — common, garden variety, basic — fall. Horse stops, you go down the neck, proceed to monkey hold for as long as you can, but then you slip just slightly to the side, thereby causing you to plummet to the ground. The show last weekend was somewhat of a success. Saturday was not a success. I fell on Saturday. Baby was just progressively refusing to pick up her left lead last week. We got one good transition on Thursday (but Thursday was eh so we don't talk about Thursday), but that was it. She kept picking up the right lead or just not picking up a canter at all. She's never been a fan of her left lead as we all know, however this is completely different from dropping on the forehand for the lead. This is why we don't talk about Thursday. Schooling on Saturday morning was great, actually. She was calm and responsive and jumped everything great if not a little bit slow. She was in for most of the day due to the fact that the Med...