They sticked him. He's 15hh. What's the point of being half Welsh with a very pony face if you're gonna be over 14.2??? It's fine though. I still love him, and he's still a pony in my world. Fight me, USEF.
He's a pony, a very large pony |
So yeah besides Pixel's gross betrayal, he was actually quite good today considering what we were doing. Sure, he did his usual spook at everything in existence thing - today it even included another horse. Otherwise, he was much softer today and tried very hard to go into my hand. It was sort of a reversal of our typical standing where he gets it at the canter but struggles at the trot. He was a lot more compliant at the trot this time around. The canter was Eh but had it's good moments, more so to the left than the right.
A pony that's horrible at selfies . . . |
Balance was back and forth today, but there was no pain. I had some momentary strain in my shins, but that went away once I brought my shoulder back and relaxed my knee a bit. Today was a fairly laidback ride overall.
Chillin' from start to finish |
Coach also let me set up our exercise for the day which was a Y made of poles, but not what we did at the Evening Team lesson. We did three different patterns besides just trotting through the parts like normal, but I'll have those for you tomorrow.
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