(Mis)Adventures in Leasing: Part 5 - Decisions

If I'm being completely honest, before I even went to try the last three horses, I was set on Hanz. He was the most experienced, he was well trained, he was safe. He had the potential to build my confidence without letting me slack. His owner described him as a horse that teaches, and he is.

Teach me to not do that
But after I tried him, I had doubts. They were based on nothing besides my undying fear of ruining someone else's horse. I was a bit out of it when I drove home and decided to go on a run to try to get myself thinking straight. Boy-o-boy, that did not work. I managed to convince myself in some backwards way that Hanz wasn't right for me and that it wouldn't work out and that the sun would beam down and incinerate me if I even tried to ride the horse again. Then I got home, started panicking again because oh no I don't know which horse I want, and ended up texting my friend in a bit of a frenzy to get her outside opinion. Prior to this conversation, I hadn't told her anything about my search. I gave her the details of the horses and asked her who I should pick. She said with zero hesitation to pick Hanz, and it felt right.

I look horrible, but he was so forgiving
I messaged his owner, beaming, ever so ready to get back to riding regularly. She messaged back, and cue plot twist. Her situation wasn't allowing for a two month lease, but she said if I could find someone to pick up the lease after me, then it would be fine. So I poked. And I prodded. One woman I know is very interested, though I'm not sure if she contacted the owner yet. At the end of the day, I couldn't keep waiting, and I wasn't going to keep someone else waiting either. I had to pass on Hanz. I know he'll go to a good home and take someone else far, but it hurt a little to be so close. I already had a tag and a post ready on here to announce him. I was even looking for bridles because the owner mentioned his recently broke. It sucked to let go.

So then there were two: fat & sassy vs. hard liquor.


  1. ugh that's a real bummer, i'm sorry. it was probably the right choice to pass bc you wouldn't want to end up in a situation where you're relying on someone else to pick up the slack two months down the line (ppl are so unreliable tho)... but that's probably cold comfort.


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