Wednesday Night Lights

So this will be the last catch up post for last week. The show was a 3 day endeavor, and since Roman was leaving on Thursday morning, I opted for a Wednesday lesson just to make sure that he was set up well for competition. As usual, horse was very far away because if you live in a big pasture you might as well chill at the very back.

Trainer had me do a lot of walking to encourage forward motion and get him loose. She said he ended up being really out behind, so I was interested to see how his movement would change.

And change it did. No more sticky! He hopped right into his normal trot. There was still a bit of a warm up needed to get a good quality trot, but that's to be expected. It's looking like everything will be uphill from here (no pun intended).

His usual post rinse ride sand bath
The trot work was nice in terms of getting going. He was pulling down a lot more than usual, which is probably him saying "Contact feels bad, and my butt feels good, so let me focus all of my energy on not doing this weird thing you humans want." Thanks, buddy, I can't feel my shoulders, but whatever. Canter transitions were both meh, but the left had its merits. The right was just bad, but man I was really lax on workouts last week. Legit, after that ride, I kicked my own butt, possibly cracking it in the process.

Not relevant to this post but look at how Sanibel rolls, like lol why are your
legs like that


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