So, we're up to last Sunday's ride. Um, yeah, it was pretty laid back. Tried and failed once again to beat the heat, so things were rather light. Roro is actually at his first show this weekend! Because of that, Miss El let me pick up an extra day of riding this week which I didn't end up using because the fam traveled up to Baltimore on Monday for my brother's 21st.
Haven't even started and he's already exhausted |
Most of the ride was actually
really good. Like damn good. Like horse is out here taking names good. We actually had a couple laps of completely relaxed inside rein with him holding himself, maintaining his pace, respecting my leg, and filling up my outside rein. We were even going to the right, so you know he was trying really hard.
Truthfully not that bad for either of us |
Two struggle areas: the serpentine and the canter. Serpentine is meh because I'm still trying to be better about the change of rein. It's still kinda confusing, and I rarely get it right, and of course Roman doesn't make it any easier. It's a process. The canter was also hard because I didn't do anything to set him up for it. I've decided to not mess around with the leg yields on my own because he isn't as straight as he should be. Since I don't exactly know where the correction should come from, I'd rather not do them as opposed to setting him up incorrectly for true leg yields in the future. Granted, that means I need to be more diligent about moving him into corners and whatnot to establish an awareness of the inside leg. And also holding myself together through transitions would be a gr8 idea.
He's actually slimmed down a bit, but that neck needs some work |
This ride was actually after two days of no work outs. Honestly, I've been pretty lax on my fitness regime as of late, and it definitely shows in my riding. Perks of having a suede saddle: you don't have to guess if you're unbalanced.
Left side is doing soooo much more, which I am thrilled about . . . :^) . . . yeah, nah, time for more lunges.
haha nice butt print!