And then they said, "Put crystals on it!"

Oh. My. God. You have got to be kidding me. Horze, you make me sad; you make me so very sad. Backstory: I was just browsing my Pinterest the other day, ya know, pinning stuff for 12 hours straight. I go to my feed and lo and behold, a pair of half chaps shows up, but they weren't just any half chaps. Chicks Saddlery had pinned a pair of black, Horze, 100% leather half chaps with, wait for it, CRYSTAL ACCENTS! For the love of all that is holy and financially gifted, why Chicks? Why???? They're only $65 at Chicks and $75 directly from Horze. I want them, I want them so bad, but I just don't have $65 plus shipping to spend, and I'd have to get a pair of paddock boots to wear with the chaps. Humph, this isn't fair. Maybe I should sell rocks for money. People like rocks, don't they?

Look at them. They're fabulous!

Anyway, the point of this post is that, after finding those half chaps, I decided to finally start putting together outfits for equestrians (because somebody has to dress the little ones). I got started on Polyvore, put some items that I've liked from various sites into my items, and then I just started making some outfits. I've got three done so far, but I plan on making more tonight.


Perhaps I should start to update my own equestrian wardrobe. Miss S was cracking down on us last lesson (and this is one of the reasons as to why we can't send her to bigger competitions). Soon enough she's going to make me throw away my grey "breeches" from J. Crew.

If you like these outfits and want to see more, you can either view them on my Polyvore profile or you can view them on my Pinterest board "Riding In Style".


  1. I love those! They're gorgeous. Also, I'm overly addicted to polyvore. My username is lolakeene!

    1. Funny thing is I follow you on Polyvore. I'm taeyo.


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