I was so excited for spring
It's starting to feel like Mother Nature completely skipped over spring and went straight to summer. Mornings have become so hot and humid, and the afternoon isn't any better. I'm all for warmer weather, but this is just too much too soon.
I took a private lesson today, and jumping was the focus due to my difficulties last Tuesday. I've finally settled on a stirrup length for the flat, and thank God it's a longer one. It at least encourages me to stretch my leg down instead of pushing it forward so long as I'm paying attention to what I am doing. I used it for flat and jumping, and it worked well, but I'll probably shorten them when I start jumping higher.

We did one course because time was running down and Baby was sweating bullets despite all the breaks she received. I missed all my leads, got one bad distance, and then there was just one jump that I don't even know what happened, but everything else was flawless. Her pace, her jump, just everything. I can't even complain about that course. She did nothing wrong, she was attentive, she was relaxed, and she was consistent. I couldn't be happier.
Afterwards, I got to give her a bath, a full on, shampoo in the bucket bath, which I don't get to do often. I've been showing for a few years now, but I never get to be the one to get the horses ready because I'm at work making the money to pay for the show. It was nice to just scrub all the dirt and grime off of her and bring out the beautiful white in Baby's coat . . . then I cringe at the fact that she's likely to roll in her own feces within 24 hours of a bath *headdesk* Horses, you gotta love 'em.
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