July #HeelsDownChallenge: Riding Dreams

The upcoming NAJYRC are behind this month's HDM challenge: What's your biggest riding dream or goal?

Well, I have a lot of big goals and big dreams, some long term, some short term. The goal of competing in the 3' adult amateur equitation next year is slowly slipping into dream territory, however IHSA might give me that opportunity as we are all adults, it's only open to amateurs, I can compete at 3' (skill depending), and it's equitation, so boom.

Long term dream is to be able to ride at the Grand Prix levels in both jumping and Dressage. That's all dependent on if I can find someone who can teach me properly (looking right at you Dressage because this modern, backwards, nose to chest, back like a ladle nonsense has got to end).

My absolute biggest goal is eventually having my own stable(s) to train out of, but the Olympics are a close second.

The queen keeps my dream alive


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