A slightly off bloggiversary

So a little over a week ago, I hit my three year bloggiversary. I don't consider three years to be some huge turning point or anything, but I also noticed that I recently passed 365 posts. A year of posts. Can you believe it? I actually thought I'd have more posts by now, but you can only plan so far at age 15. Anyways, onto the infographic.

I guess the biggest changes since the start have been 1) the theme, which is constantly changing and 2) the labels. I originally hated the idea of labels, but then I found that organizing my posts was useful for my own navigation through the blog, so I keep them, and I am now meticulous about it. Happy 3 years, y'all.


  1. Happy three years!!! I heart blog labels now too haha, even if mine kinda suck


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