Goals Part 3: An Alternate Timeline

Options, people.

As a bit of an extension on my Leasing Adventures post, what, exactly, am I gonna do if I can't find a budget friendly horse to lease? I've already lowered my height preference to 2'6", even 2'3" if it's a horse that shows potential.

Personally, I'm not about to work a 2'6" horse up to 3'0" unless the horse has some prior experience. I have four months to work with them and would rather not stress about it. That doesn't mean I won't try to school higher with them, but I don't want to push it competitively.

Tried that, didn't work out
Now, let's put jumping to the side for a moment. As we all know, my Dressage adventures have been limited. That being said, it's still been fruitful; the lower level stuff has seemed to click fairly well with me. In the past, I've been very against the idea of competing in Dressage except for the occasional tag along. Like every other discipline, the competitive aspect has its flaws and politics, and dealing with the nonsense of the equitation ring is frustrating enough, not to mention the fear of ruining it for myself by being too competitive, and then there's also the added cost.

But, like, I really want to get my bronze. Just the thought of competing at first level makes my heart race, and I mean that in the good way.

goals, tbh, but at home
I had originally wanted to compete casually this year. Even after taking on Max, I was still fine with the idea of competing on him, but it wasn't until recently that I decided I actually want to set competitive Dressage goals.

If I had a horse to comfortably conquer 3'0" on, I'd be beyond happy. If I had a horse to do 2'6" on while also competing at training and first level, I'd still be beyond happy. I'd be happy with anything in between, too.


  1. Good luck finding the right horse! I'm like you - I kinda want a little bit of everything too (plus an xc machine, obvi haha)

    1. I just need an all around, chestnut with chrome import and also the money to pay for it lol

  2. Hoping you find a horse to accomplish it all on!

    1. With this plan, it's actually looking a bit more probable :D

  3. I hope you find the right horse. I've had good luck finding great horses by offering exercise services. Have you tried that?

    1. Hm, never thought about that. A couple of the bigger barns around my area have "problem horses" to ride, so I might look into that


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