Goals Part 5: Taking a Gander at 2017

Ok, yes, I know, fourth post about goals in the past 6 months. Just bear with me for a minute on this one.

Typically, I tend to pick 12 goals for the year for the whole "12 goals in 12 months" thing. Some are significantly more probable than others, some I'm very loosely attached to, and some are highly dependent on how my situation changes over time. I've actually never minded mixing everything in because the years were typically less stressful than this past year. I always aimed to accomplish at least half of my list, and I did do that the last two years. This year . . . 2/12 accomplished, and that's being generous.

To partition my aspirations and also give some more leeway on certain goals, I've decided to divide my goals into categories.

Without A Doubt Goals
    For goals/items that I seriously need to work on and improve and cannot let myself slack on
  • Improve my equitation
  • Continue to open hip joint and soften ankle
  • Strengthen my right side & continue to improve balance
  • Exercise 5 times per week
  • Ride with Miss El at least once a week when I'm home (weather/finances permitting)
  • Be more fluid with different tack (i.e. Dressage form vs. Hunter form)
Concept: both at the same time
Goals That Need Hashing
    For goals that currently require a little more planning, discussion, and thought
  • Qualify for Colonial Classic
  • Qualify for MAEF Finals
  • Qualify for MHSA Regional Finals
  • Go to Brandywine, HITS, or Upperville (only once though and preferrably Brandywine)
  • Compete at First Level & begin working towards my bronze
  • Go to Rolex
  • Compete on Roman
Maybe I'll get really lucky and do WEF
Magical Unicorn Fairy Fantasy Goals
    Self explanatory
  • School at 3'0"
  • Compete at 3'0"
  • Compete in Ariat Adult Medal
  • Qualify for Ariat Medal Final
  • Start saving for a horse of my own
It's easy to pick which ones to focus on and work towards while not getting distracted by the final category. Reading other bloggers' goal posts actually encouraged me to start goal setting in 2014, and I love it, but my method thus far has been fairly simple, and there are a lot of ways to go about setting, accomplishing, and reviewing goals. So, if this doesn't work out for me, what are some of the ways that y'all put together goals for yourself? And (if you feel like explaining) why did you pick that method?


  1. I'm trying to officially outline my goals for this year too. Previously I've just had a vague 'don't be shit' goal. I'm trying SMART goals.
    I'm going to write them on my mirror with whiteboard pens to keep me focused.
    Good luck with your goals for this year 😊

    1. Oh, I haven't looked into SMART for a while. For the most part, the first section follows SMART. It kind of reminds me of what Denny Emerson said about goals and how it has to be attainable and workable otherwise it's a dream. Thank you very much!

  2. I haven't set any specific goals since breaking my leg last year.... When I was doing it more regularly tho I made quarterly goals and tried to keep the goals specific and clear enough that it would be easy enough to tell that progress was happening. Idk tho. Maybe I'll start again haha.

    Anyway tho I like how you break your goals up by priority!! I definitely want to hit up some big shows this year too!!

    1. I think I might actually do quarterly reviews this year to track progress on certain items. I've definitely loved reading yours and L's!

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! :)

    As for goals. I never really made any until I started blogging and thinking about showing a couple months ago, so it's a new adventure for me.

  4. I hope you accomplish all and more in 2017!


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