Q1 Goal Review

At Emma's recommendation, I've opted to do quarterly reviews this year in order to keep myself on track.

Improving Equitation: It comes and goes with my confidence. I started out nice over winter since my last IHSA lesson of the semester was really good, and then jumping Silver was a fun time as well. Carlos' antics caused a bit of back track where I was jumping super defensively. Fortunately, I tend to get it together easily on a horse that I'm more comfortable on. In terms of confidence and skill, I'm super happy about this.

Opening Hip Joint: Actually fixing my physiology has been difficult for a number of reasons. Coach S is a very get on and get trotting type of person, so once it hits 11am, I'm in rising trot. Oh, but why don't I just get on early and do my hip stretches then? Well, as I've mentioned before, my Fridays are quite tight, and the earliest I get on is 10:58. I think from now on, I'll just take advantage of our breaks in between work in order to get my stretches in. I can actually feel my hips tightening and becoming less balanced as the semester goes on. I'd like to even myself out a bit before I get back home for the summer.

Softening Ankle: I mean, I think I'm doing this, but my lower half is contorted most of the time (see above), so I can't really tell. Dressage saddle will tell all.

Balance: See above above.

Work Outs: Listen. A valiant effort was put in here, but my education is more important than abs. I'm a generally healthy person, and my fitness is more for aesthetics than anything . . . ok, I would also like to be able to carry two water buckets at one time, but that's besides the point. I workout when I have time, and I've become more strict on my diet since I've still managed to gain weight (and hit my goal weight) with limited lifting. On the plus side, I can maintain myself on a 10lb dumbbell. Things to work on going forward: up running speed, up muscular endurance, decrease chocolate consumption.

Ride with Miss El: It happened over winter break, but the finances weren't there come spring break.

Fluidity: I saw major improvements in this over the winter when I was riding in the Dressage tack on Roman and jumping tack on Silver. The biggest issue I've noticed is in my shoulders. I get used to the stirrup length after a while, but I tip forward a lot. I tip forward too much in hunter tack already, so it's not surprise that it gets worse in the Dressage saddle. That being said, the leg and seat are much better, so I'll keep working my way up.

Qualify for Colonial Classic/MAEF Finals/MHSA Regional Finals: TBD.

Go to Brandywine, HITS, or Upperville: TBD.

Compete at First Level & begin working towards my bronze: TBD

Go to Rolex: Heavily hashed. Not possible. Sorry, Iz :(

Compete on Roman: Um . . .

School/Compete at 3'0": HA!

Compete/Qualify for Ariat Adult Medal: I've watched the YouTube video of it. Does that count?

Start saving for a horse of my own: Ok, haven't actually done it yet, but I do think I'll be able to start putting money away by the end of this year. Ya know, after all those expensive medal finals :')

I also apologize for exactly none of these section headers.


  1. Haha. I feel you. Valiant efforts are made all around but I can only do so much.
    At least putting some of these things down "on paper" should help keep them in mind as you continue through the year.

  2. lots of big goals here! i always struggle with positional goals bc they're so hard to measure, and often so reliant on other things (like, whether i'm freakin out or rusty or whatever haha). still tho - seems like some fun stuff is goin on!

  3. Section headers were awesome. Also never decrease chocolate consumption. Have you tried the yoga pose pigeon? I have really tight hips and I love this pose.

  4. I prefer to do my stretches out of the saddle, and right before bed increases my relaxation and ability to sleep more (I have had a lot of trouble sleeping in the past)


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