Equestrian Essentials for Fall

Now that we've officially hit the first day of fall, I thought it would be the perfect time to share some of my favorites for the season. We all know that I hate winter, the cold, and anything having to do with snow. Fall is usually the time where I start to get ready for the impeding suffering, so here are some things that help make the shift a little bit easier.

1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes
Yes, friends, I am that girl who will wait in a line of any length, credit card ready, to get my goblet of pumpkin coffee. I pair it either with a pumpkin muffin or a buttered croissant for a quick snack before I head to the barn. If you're not a fan of the taste, get a Starbucks gift card for a friend because I know you have one that likes pumpkin spice. We all do.

Firs Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season!
2. Pumpkin Spice Fly Spray
Since climate change is forcing warm weather well into November, pumpkin spice fly spray keeps the bugs at bay (lol horse joke) while also giving a nice scent to the barn. It's basically horse perfume. How can you say no?

3. Tailored Sportsman Pumpkin Spice Breeches
Hunter princesses, clutch your pearls. Tailored Sportsman just came out with a new Pumpkin Spice line that I've heard is quite similar to the Trophy Hunters. The main difference is an innovative CinnaTECH Fabric which infuses spices and minced pumpkin seeds into their traditional fabric for a smoother feel. You'll have cinnamon in so many places it just might revive the cinnamon challenge.

4. Pumpkin Spice Arena Sand
We've made it this far, so why not

5. SmartPak Pumpkin Spice Supplement

Disclaimer: 4/5 of these products aren't real, and if you can't tell which one is real, please seek help. Also, this post was not sponsored by any of the brands mentioned, but, frankly, it should have been.


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