Coming Back

It was a very rough winter for the Eq Team. Bad, rainy weather led to several horses abscessing. The ones who didn't abscess came up with random lameness, some short term, some long term. Penny was one of the long term ones. She came back into work as spring moved rather aggressively into summer. My second lesson in June was on her, and it was time to start working again. To put it simply, Penny knows her shit. From what I've been told, she used to do the pony jumpers. I've only ridden her a handful of times over the past four years, but many people in the barn are vocal about how much they love her. Honestly, she is always a fun ride, but . . . she's hot. Makes sense since she's a jumper, but she's a micromanage type of ride. My last IHSA show and also my second time ever riding Penny She was easy to soften on the flat though we lacked forward motion. In her defense, it was pretty hot outside, and she's still working her way from tubby to trim. It...