30 Days, 30 Lessons

What I've learned in my first month of Miami life:

1. Everything is expensive
2. There are more lizards here than people
3. It's always hot
4. It's always humid
5. If it not hot and humid, it's rainy and humid
6. If it's not hot and humid OR rainy and humid, then there is probably a dark cloud off in the distance that's about to make things rainy and humid
7. All of those weather situations happen at least three times per day

One of the very rare times that it didn't rain on my walk home
8. It is impossible to dress for the weather. You will always be drenched in sweat or rain.
9. If you hear a faint scratching in the middle of the night, it could be a roach
10. Sometimes the scratching is actually a lizard
11. For anyone who cares to know, the urban fabric is horrendous
12. Taking pictures of Orb Weavers is somewhat therapeutic
13. The human knee is an absolute disaster of a joint

14. I-95 is an absolute disaster of a road
15. Matter of fact, all roads are a disaster. Take the metro.
16. No one here is ever on time to anything (and it's not because of the roads)
17. Every night feels like a calm summer night
18. Mojitos. Mojitos. Mojitos.
19. Gas is expensive
20. Dating is expensive
21. I need to get sunscreen before my skin starts aging faster than the rest of my body
22. Plants can make any room pop

And this city is nearly overrun by plants
23. If the washer and dryer ain't in the unit, then the unit ain't in my future
24. Winn Dixie can be a great form of entertainment
25. Chickpeas? Delicious.
26. Target will definitely help you through your 20s
27. I really need to learn Spanish
28. Despite the fact that I only came here to get my degree and skidaddle back to D.C., I'm actually getting to know people and making friends/workout buddies
29. Believe it or not, I'm actually having fun.

The art galleries? Lots of fun!
30. Sometimes, you write a blog post with the hope to publish it at a certain time, but then a hurricane forces you to seek refuge for a weekend and things get posted later than you wanted them to be posted.


  1. I don't like Florida, but Miami is an interesting town. If you get a chance between studies take a trip out to "Robert Is Here" fruit stand outside of Homestead. Holy shit I had a Key Lime milk shake that tasted like I was drinking a whole pie (also they have a petting zoo and its down the street from an alligator place)


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