University of Pheonix

Seems we're off to an interesting start in 2020.

After two weeks of an intense design competition, several more weeks of playing catch up in my other classes, an emotional mid term presentation, very little riding time, and an entire paper written within three hours, classes will now be online for the rest of the semester. I have no idea how (or if) this is going to work. Good thing that ain't my job!

Ok, but seriously, this semester has been a whirlwind, and I hadn't seen much of Lucie until this week since we are currently on spring break. We also got new footing in the arena! Which means my dry footed Thoroughbred will no longer have to deal with stepping on rocks! It still needs to be spread out though, so I took that as a sign that we should take on the trails in the neighborhood.

she luv durt
Too bad Lucie . . . does not like trails. She's generally level headed with a couple of hot moments. Ya know, like a normal horse. She could never be classified as bombproof, but she's pretty trustworthy and has even started packing some kiddos around in lessons (and she looks thrilled while doing it). Outside of the arena? Nah. It took some convincing to get her down the driveway. We stop maybe every three houses because something new and scary has appeared on the road. God forbid she sees a storm drain. Yes, a storm drain. I love civil engineers, but apparently my horse has a vendetta.

How will we ever go that slow???
On yesterday's ride, we went for a long walk up the street and part of the way down the trails then came back home to do work in the arena. Despite being snorting, rearing nightmare off property, she was a calm, relaxed, focused gem in the ring. Pretty much immediately moved nice and forward off my leg and went right into my hands. Go figure . . . Anyways, we'll be doing lots of walks down the road now until someone figures out that life can be fun outside of the sandbox. I'm not entirely sure what my schedule will look like once the semester starts again. Usually, I drive back to campus after work for studio, but that's not an easy class to do online. I'm somewhat concerned about how it'll move forward; my partner and I have a good project this semester, but if we can't keep going with it, then we'll have an incomplete project that likely can't be put into our portfolios. On the other hand, cancelling a six credit class means that I'd have a lot more pony time. And I like ponies.

Especially ponies that use their neck a(lthough it would be nice if she used her butt too)
Guess we'll just have to see how this pandemic pans out. Wash your hands, be careful around those with weaker immune systems, and make sure to drink Corona beer cause I'm about to buy some cheap stocks and wanna cash in after the dust clears.


  1. Yeah now is the time to buy stocks for sure - but make sure your liquid finances are shored up first!

    1. Liquid finances??? Am I old enough to have those yet?


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