In Due Time

After my last off property lesson, Trainer G and I chatted about what her goals are for me. She explained that when I was riding Blackjack, he didn't engage himself as much as when my co-leasee was riding. In response, I let her know that I, uhh, like, never jump him. It was like a light bulb went off for both of us. I don't really jump Blackjack because I know he gets used in lessons, and I've grown much more concerned with my horse's comfort and longevity as of late. She was grateful for my caution but assured that his lessons are light enough that I don't have to worry about over jumping him. She also really really wants to see my do a hunter derby with him. Like, she's fully visualizing it into existence. Never had a trainer straight up manifest for me, haha, but it's appreciated. With that, we scheduled a lesson for the following Saturday to specifically gain some miles together over fences. Saturday came along, and good lord, it was a tense morning. Sp...