Q1 Goal Review: Habits Baseline

To recap, my goals this year have been focused entirely around building good, healthy habits. Next year, I'll certainly feel much better about jumping back into specific riding goals, but for now, as my life approaches major turning points, this seems to work much better.

Workout Once Per Week
Absolutely not.

Two Point, Stretching, & No Stirrup Work Every Ride
I definitely jumped in with both feet on this one for absolutely no reason. Warming up at the two-point has made a valiant return, but I could go a little harder with it. I noticed that I struggle with it more when I'm riding in my trainer's saddle. It has normal fillis irons while I've been riding in my own wide footbed irons for several years now. I'm doing my best to push through the foot pain and not be a spoiled brat about it.

The no-stirrup work is kind of meh. It's one of those things that was easy to make myself do in the past, but now? My aged body is battling a young mind. I have been the most reluctant with stretching.

More Fun ROOTDs
Oh, absolutely yes. It mostly started with making sure that my work outfits were actually work appropriate so I could meet clients and not look like I just rolled out of bed. Guys, I now wear patterned pants three times per week. I'm unstoppable. Similarly, I've tried out some new things at the barn as well.

This has also led to some small, progressive tack updates. Folks . . . we're going brown. The LeMieux boots have finally been put to the test. While I'm not a huge fan of the boot itself, boy oh boy do I love a brown set.

Jump Once Per Month
This has been going just fine. We're only on month three, and I had to pass on this opportunity in February because of overlaps between my riding time and one of Blackjack's beginner lessons. This month's excursion should be taken care of by the time this post is up. Additionally, I have been consistently taking one lesson per month for the past few months, and those are always jumping lessons, so I am at least jumping once per month, even if it's not on my own.

Clean My Tack
Absolutely not.


  1. I think focusing on the holistic and well rounded is a good approach when so much is up in the air... and ugh I should do more no stirrup work

    1. Truthfully it has taken a lot of the pressure off. It also helps that most of these are self care/mental things which is pushing me to be more conscious of how I'm treating myself and talking to myself.


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