America's Next Top Inconvenience

So, how'd Fuego's R&R go?

Technically, he didn't break it, just broke out of it. And it wasn't even the wash rack, it was the regular cross tie that he's been standing so perfectly at for months now. AND it was after he had a nice yawning session.

I decided to give him a little spa day as a substitution for our usual bareback ride. He's got a little bit of fungus because #ThoroughbredSkin, and while his immune system has taken care of most of it, I decided to hit it with the E3 Shampoo to get it all gone. I'd be shocked if his butt isn't fully cleared up by the next time I'm at the barn.

"Hiiii. Whatchu doing down there???"

He got a nice groom, a bath, hand detangling of his mane and tail, drying time under the fan in the middle of the day, early dinner, and lots of treats. This horse wants for nothing. Since the timing was right, I decided to do some glamour shots of him as well.

Y'all, he's a pain in the rear to take photos of.

Always wants to follow you.

Literally had to keep pushing him back into position

Always wants to eat something.

"Is it snack time? I think it's snack time"

Decided that he suddenly knows how to not be scared of the entire world around him.

And suddenly has a nice mare stare *eye roll*

Good thing he's cute.


  1. oh my lord i cannot WAIT until it is proper bathing weather around here.... we don't have hot water at charlie's barnyard so it's gotta be pretttttty warm out to not be considered total torture ugh, but they're so dirty!


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