Pardon the absence. There's . . . a lot going on. In short, Fuego is for sale, and for real this time. Trainer T is open to a lease, but I think it's more likely that someone will buy him outright. He had a trial, and because I didn't know what would happen, I opted to keep our progress to myself for the time being. We're past that now, and his future is a little more certain. I'm not sure how much longer our partnership will last, but I am making the most of it. As of late, Fuego has had a step up and step down: we stepped down in bit and stepped up in height. We've been hacking happily in the D-ring. I need to be a bit more disciplined, but our rides have heavily focused on moving forward, transitions, and no-stirrup work. I'm also trying to canter more. Maybe two-ish weeks ago, I tried cantering a course of poles during our hack ride. It was messy, to say the least, but I've made the decision in my head that this horse is capable of being a solid hunt...