Favorites of 2022

Favorite Show Picture

Favorite Non Show Picture

Favorite Thing You Bought

Boots! Even though they put me through hell!

Favorite Moment on Horseback

Favorite Moment out of the Saddle

I don't have any pictures, but . . . the drunken walk from brunch to the Longines Arena . . . 10/10 would recommend.

Favorite "Between The Ears" Picture

Y'all know the drill.

Favorite Horse Book or Article

Identifying and Understanding Saddle Panel Options from Trumbull Mountain Tack Shop. This article was a game changer for me in understanding saddle fit and helped me get back on course to find the right fit. It's older and better viewed on mobile.

Favorite horse ridden (or groomed/cared for) aside from your own

I've ridden a lot more horses this year than I've posted about. Someday, I'll share those updates.

Favorite funny picture of your horse

Why the long face?

Favorite fence that you successfully jumped or movement that you conquered

First and second favorite. That jump on Fuego looks so small now.

Favorite horse meme or funny picture

Okay, I'm having trouble finding it, but that one TikTok where the trainer is impersonating her client and says the horse is lame every three clips. I relate so hard to that.


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