It's The Night Before Christmas

'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
The stockings were hung from the chimney with care
With the hopes that Saint Nicholas would soon be there
The children were nestled all snug in their beds
While visions of sugar plums danced in their heads
And ma in her kerchief and pa in his cap
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap
But one of the children was gone from their bed
And a slice had gone missing from ma's loaf of bread
Away to the barn she had flown like a flash
Made her way to the stall, and undid the latch
The sweet smell of hay flooded the air around
As four turning hooves clopped across the ground
When what to her wondering eyes should appear
A fat, chestnut pony with one eye and one ear
With one clubbed foot on a stocked left hind
With some hair missing and a rear end too wide
At the sight of the pony, the child gasped
And then, to some higher being, she asked
"By god, what is this? I didn't ask for this thing!
"I asked for a horse that'd clean up in the ring!
"This pony's worth nothing. I'd rather be broke!
"I'd rather start riding my grandmother's goat!"
Arms folded, face red, the girl continued to pout
Then she noticed an envelope as she was about to walk out
On the front was her name written with grace
She grabbed it and opened it, not lacking in haste
It read: "Dear daughter, you shouldn't be up
"Then again, I shouldn't have left the papers in the truck
"The minute you saw them, I knew that you'd know
"That a horse would be waiting in the Christmas morning snow.
"He's not handsome, I get it, but you weren't specific.
"Besides, horses are expensive on this side of the pacific
"And I know you don't like him, but hear me out
"There's a method to my madness and you could go without
"His missing an eye and an ear and registration
"But his talent goes beyond many horses in the nation
"He's one of those horses whose breeding shouldn't have been done
"But he's also the one you can learn a lot from.
"Be gentle and appreciate his big, kind heart
"For he is the type of pony that gives everyone their start."
For a moment, the girl frowned at her father's attempt
But she knew he was right; she understood what he meant
So she looked at the pony and her mouth refined
Because in his one eye it was happiness that shined
The barn light went off, and light on her feet
The girl went back to bed and gently fell asleep
In his room, pa smiled having seen it all
And whispered, "Merry Christmas. Merry Christmas to all."

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