Waiting for things to happen

I know I have an upcoming private lesson on Baby, and I know that I'm going to put on a show, and I know that I'll get to ride with the new boarder sometime, but "When?" is the real question.

I know for sure that I will, in fact, be going to my first IEA show next weekend. Our entries are in and the hotel is booked. Unfortunately, I have just learned that there will be a practice that Saturday before we all leave, and Miss S's Christmas Barn Party is that day too, and they are likely to be happening at the same time. I'm probably not going to be able to clean the pasture next weekend.

Speaking of which, while I was cleaning today, the new boarder was showing her parents (I think they were her parents) around the place, and we caught up, and I told her that I could ride with her next weekend, completely forgetting about the show and the lesson and the party. Hopefully I'll be free the weekend after next.

Chess booping Carolyn
I'm also still trying to get clear with Miss S on having a smaller show in February before I go and try to use the big outdoor in April or May. I have everything planned out, except for the class list which I accidentally didn't save, even though Auto Recovery kept asking me to. At least is was something simple, and I have an entry form done from a while ago, so that's nothing to worry about. Funny thing is I've already started thinking about having a series in 2016 that will run from January to July. I call myself ambitious for a reason.


  1. wow - sounds like a lot of fun stuff coming up all at once! very exciting about the IEA show! the rest of the stuff will fall into place too :)

    1. Miss S and I just decided on a date for the small show. I can't wait!


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