Tack Swap Results

I've got 99 problems, and my saddle is still one of them, but the Tredsteps (the Rosas) have made their way into the hands of another fortunate soul. My boots and red shaped pad also went to a girl who is starting to get into English riding. My fly bonnet was sold as part of an intensely purple set; the girl came into the stall and found everything purple and took all of it. I sold a handful of charms. It was mostly kids who wanted them, but if I can dress up another pony, I'm totally okay with that.

I made away with a stock pin for $3, a headband from Miss Sue's store for $20, and a free gray hunt coat from Miss Terry. I have to get some alterations done on the coat, but if it fits, it'll look good with an orange or yellow show shirt. I know, I know, I'm supposed to be conservative because it's the hunter ring, but honestly fuck that, I'm a Dressage queen at heart with a taste for the unconventional.

I came across quite a few lovely shops, and one girl was actually selling her bedazzled GPA because it didn't fit her head. Oh, what a shame. It was gorgeous to look at.

I was actually surprised by the number of Western riders that came through. The show grounds that I go to in the summer have a Western ring, but the attendance is quite small. I wonder where these Western folk are riding.


  1. That grey jacket with an orange or yellow shirt sounds amazing!!


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