Black is Beautiful

I've been traipsing online tack stores looking for show shirts (can't tell you why, it's a surprise, not a big one, but it's a surprise). In those adventures, I have come across a number of black show shirts, mainly from European shops. In my time on the American hunter/jumper scene, I haven't witness a single person wear a black show shirt. I haven't seen it in pictures, either. I don't think I've ever seen a black show shirt in any English discipline for that matter. Tradition has made the color a major taboo.

But like . . . guys . . . look.

RJ Classics Sterling Show Shirt
You can't tell me for one second that white show shirts aren't the most inconvenient part of the horse show ensemble. And yes, you can also wear blue, purple, pink, and even orange, but white is the easily the most popular. I simply wanna know why we're torturing ourselves. There are some nice black show shirts out there.

In last year's post for Valentine Equine, I neglected to include a picture of their black show shirt, and I am so sorry because it's flawless. Since then, they have introduced a new show shirt, which comes in black as well as gold, blue, chocolate, gray, lilac, moss (no but it actually looks like moss), and pink.

Valentine Equine Mechaela Shirt
RJ Classics has three different black shirts, and this one is seriously tempting me. There are purses on the inside, purses.

RJ Classics Prestige Show Shirt
And some with contrast, too, which I'm not crazy about, but they're still elegant and stylish.

Harry's Horse Bright Shirt
Gloockler Golden Crown Show Shirt
There's always the question of how the heck to style these things, but considering the fact that there's a tag on this blog called "Fashion Thursday", please do not doubt me.

Black Is Beautiful


  1. Black show shirts are my dream come true, they are popular on the breed circuit.

    1. I knoooow. The h/j, Dressage, and eventing scene need to catch up.

  2. ya know - i actually really kinda dig it. (and those floral boots are wild haha)

    1. They're DeNiros, and trust me, it can get even more wild than that.

  3. I have seen a few sprinkled around at dressage shows and events but very rarely.

    1. This makes me even more excited to get into Dressage

  4. Omg I love that second shirt so much it hurts.

    1. The lace is so sassy. I regularly talk myself out of getting it.


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