Until next semester

Yup, last lesson of the semester, and of course I finished it out with my dear not pony Pixel. A lot of other riders had to do make up lessons, so we had five people added to our already full lesson group, making for 10 horse & rider pairs in the Dressage sized indoor. Fun times.

Pixie Sticks didn't make it easy, though. We were pretty adjustable at the trot, but we haven't figured out true contact entirely. He's still so looky. Permanent baby mode. My sitting trot still needs some work (damn stiff ankles). He cantered beautifully, right off my legs and into my hands. He's quite nice when he acts grown.

Gonna miss post lesson tacos
Jumping was eventful as usual. I came off (again) because apparently we are also afraid of bricks. We went over that thing, like, four more times, and he didn't even balk. Once he gets his refusal out, everything is smooth sailing. For me, it was a matter of getting up and not catching him with my hands on the backside of the fence. We finished with three very nice fences, and I couldn't be any happier with this horse-pony-thing.

Can't wait til next semester.

Still majestic. Always majestic.


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