So after yesterday's disgustingly-sad-with-cliché-inspiring-last-paragraph post, it's time to pat myself on the back for the times that I've managed to kick ass and take names. Beckz from I Will Jump Sweet Jumps (arguably the sickest blog title) came up with this awesome blog hop.

In chronological order . . .

The start of my 2013 show season, when I showed Duke in long stirrup and pleasure pony. He was losing it, but guess 👏 who 👏 kept 👏 it 👏 together 👏. Course when I thought he was finally chilled out during the combination hack, he ended up booking it through the line and took a daring distance to the second fence. I stayed on, though. Props to Duke for his athleticism.

There was also that time I bombed my way through the o/f classes only to win the flat because you can't have a refusal when there are no fences to jump.

After a rough season, Baby & I finally qualified for the medal final and made it over everything, then switched it over to the hunters and got reserve champ in low hunter.

Literally everything that happened with Enzo and Zoey.

My very first IEA show, I was mor-ti-fied to be on Willow. By the time I'd gone over the second to last fence, I was ready to be done, and that's the only reason I took that inside turn. All I could think while going to the gate was, "Get me out of this ring, get me out of this ring, get me out of this ring." I was also worried because I got three strides in the line when Miss J specifically told us to get four (literally, her exact words were "There is no reason why you should get three strides in that line."). The f@%k yeah part? I won it, and at the end of the day, the barn's trainer thanked me for how I rode.

Hitting 3'0" with Babes and Corbinator.

My first real jump school on Music was so awesome I nearly cried.

Pulling it together on Pixel to get a 2nd at my third IHSA show.

Beorn. Just Beorn. I was blessed on that day.

And also all of these pics of Baby make me feel happy 💕

To be clear, this isn't every picture of Baby that makes me happy. These are just the ones I could find. There are a lot more.


  1. Great moments, thanks for sharing :)

  2. Aw I love these posts. Really truly. But also choke-laughed out loud at the "can't have refusals when there are no jumps!" Bc yea. That's kinda my life lol.


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