That balance nonsense

Today, I was finally (FINALLY!) able to do a proper right facing oblique. It has literally taken all 6 months for me to achieve this, and while it still has some way to go, I'm glad that my body is actually responding to the tougher parts of my workouts. Work on your weaknesses until they become strengths!

look @ that collapse (image from Your Tango)
Related also are my weighted lunges. I've realized that my physiology while doing those is quite similar how I am on a horse, at least on the upper body aspect of things. My right side collapses, and it's much harder for me to recover on my own two feet than it is on a horse. Solution: lift the right shoulder. Even though I had no issues during my last ride, I'm labeling my collapse as something sporadic. Yeah, it's probably a part of my actual, natural anatomy, but it screws with my flatwork, so I need it to not.

Horsey things, my most recent delivery from Divoza came in. FedEx said it wasn't going to get here until this upcoming Thursday, but surprise surprise, my mom thought UPS was delivering something for her, but it ended up being for me. Score. While I didn't get enough to qualify as a "tack haul", they're all coolio items, so I'm gonna vlog about it (eventually).

What could it be?!?!?
Also, please someone kick me in the shins if I don't discuss my most recent ride with Miss El sometime tomorrow.


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