Possible Lease Pon #1

Meet Oscar Except, we already know Oscar. But on the flip side, we don't know Oscar as well as we thought. And by we, I mean me. "Stop blabbing, woman" I rode Oscar for the first time a little under a year ago, and I remember feeling quite comfortable with him. I can say with 99% certainty that he was comfortable with me too; this horse is unflappable. He's an OTTB, and while he does get a bit speedy while cantering in groups, you literally just have to whisper "whoa" and immediately he's right back with you. It's because of this that I strongly considered him as my lease horse for next year. Unfortunately, his chances of coming home with me were shot after the very first lesson. A fellow team member told me about all the issues Oscar had and still has. He was only used twice in my lesson last year. The first time was when he being ridden by someone else (and subsequently broke her wrist or elbow or something in that general area). The ...