Fat & Sassy

Tuesday was my trial on Roman and also my first time riding in a month and a half. I guess it technically wasn't a "trial" but more just me seeing how he is over fences. The horse has been doing very little over the past couple of months besides being lightly hacked a couple times a week. I think he was popped over fences another time or two, but he's still a green bean.

I have no fresh media, so you'll have to enjoy the same screen shots from the same video that I've been posting since December. Just take my word for it: he's quite tubby and very not down for work. Nice to ride when you've just worked off a semester's worth of stress eating and have 0 leg muscle.

Large bean got even larger
He was fine just lazy and not really wanting to soften. Eventually he just went "Meh" and hacked around nicely. We got some really good canter, especially to the left. He jumped the way one expects a green horse to jump. Very wiggly and uneven in his pace, but he's a prefers to trot over type. All that nonsense for basically nothing.

Covering some ground, y'all
Of course though, he's still the cuddly, lovable big dog that I missed so much.


  1. Haha what a cute chubby boy! Can't wait to hear more about his jumping journey. I just went through starting a green bean over fences- certainly frustrating AND rewarding!


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