Goals Check In

Here's where we stand with June/July goals.

Go to a show

By some freak of nature, this managed to happen. I'm so so so happy that God made me ambitious and a push over.

I think Doris and I made a good team
Get into a doable fitness routine

The key word here is "doable" because I can't really do much. Between preparing for a move, then moving, then not knowing how the new gym works, I've been sticking mainly to running. I haven't been in a serious routine since the end of last year. Even the simplest of workouts leaves me incredibly sore. I just work around the sore days and go when I'm not in pain. Prior to the move, I could go a full 2mi on hilly terrain without any breaks. After moving, that's proven pretty difficult, and I've been taking at least one break in the middle of my run.

My most recent run. Not sure what that huge dip in pace is all about.
If anything, my diet has required much bigger adjustments. I won't see any physical changes until both my workouts and my diet are corrected.

Fix my wrists

Truthfully, I didn't ride often enough to really address this. The plus side is that I think about it a lot more often, and being conscious of how my hands are oriented makes me micromanage the rest of my body a lot less.

Get a new saddle


When your parents are packing the car and ask "Is your saddle coming?"


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