Alright, so, lemme lay down the facts one more time:
  • I only rode 3 times this past summer
  • One of those times was the morning of the show
  • I woke up that morning fully intended not to show
  • I am easily convinced to do just about anything
Okay, are we good? Are we all on the same page? Cool.

Summer, who genuinely does not care about anything these days
I would like to shout out Lizzie for being an absolute gem the whole day. Not only did she pick me up from the metro, she also gave me boots (because I sent mine home), a helmet (which I also sent home), a shirt to show in, paid for all my food throughout the day, and gave me some much needed time with my favorite pooch, Moose.

The unofficial graduation pictures
Since I rode Dori for my lesson, Coach S said I could just ride her again for the show. It was four classes total broken down into two speed rounds and two power & speed rounds. Y'all, we had POWER, we had speed, we're still finding control, but I'd say there is potential.

Despite being very laid back during our lesson, Dori channeled her inner HH Azur and took me to every fence, whether I wanted to go or not. It was a sit up and hold type of day, but I was so taken back by her sudden change in demeanor that I, uh, lost all logical thought as they say. Guys, she got slower each time we jumped during the lesson. What was I to expect?

We ended up with a 1st, 2nd, 6th, and 2nd in that order. Not bad for my first fully impromptu and completely unexpected jumper debut.


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