More Than The Bare Minimum

Happy (Very Late) Mental Health Awareness Month! Figured it was worth it to check in since one of my goals this year was to do more than the bare minimum to take care of myself. Ain't doing too bad on that. Well, minus the copious amounts of cake and biscuits I've consumed over the past two days, I'm taking care of myself! I think having a regular job at a place I don't hate has definitely helped. I like being able to get away from school work, and it's one more thing that gets me out of the house and prevents me from becoming a complete schlub. Since the start of quarantine, my work life balance has also improved, but that has more to do with my commute time being completely nixed. Instead of rushing from one city to the next, I'm taking a leisurely stroll from one computer to another. It's refreshing. Here's some fun stuff I've been creating! Work project, a deck design for a plant loving couple My studio project from Fall 2019, an a...