Eyes Ahead

Detroit Horse Power, Summer Camp 2019
When I first started therapy, one of the things that I was very vocal about is that I didn't like certain emotions. Anger especially was something that I hated to experience. I saw getting upset as a form of weakness and tried to remain calm no matter what. That same therapist made a comment that I tend to give a lot to other people, far more than what I ask in return. Initially, I saw no issue. What's wrong with being empathetic? What's wrong with being compassionate? What's wrong with devoting yourself to the well being of others, even if it destroys you in the process?

Love and hate - or compassion and anger - have become opposing narratives when talking about racial tensions, mostly because everyone likes to post the same quote from Martin Luther King Jr. What my first therapist taught me is that you cannot put a value on emotions, especially in a world that values placidity over justified rage. There is strength in compassion just as there is strength in anger. Each has their time and place. Today, I am choosing compassion. We'll see what happens tomorrow.

I was first introduced to the concept of an urban riding stable in Feel The Love by Rudimental. It features the Fletcher Street Urban Riding Club, an organization located in Philadelphia.

I have spoken in the past about how beneficial horses have been to my life. To see a program refuse to adjust to a changing status quo while also providing children with much needed life direction is inspiring. Just from an architectural and urban design standpoint, the Urban Riding Club is a fruitful case study. When people harp "Oh, but what about Black on Black crime!!!" all I can think about is the wealth of parents and community leaders who do everything in their power to make sure that kids lead happy, healthy lives despite the systems that continue to fail them.

If you're looking to volunteer your time, money, or words, here are a couple more programs that have been and continue to give opportunities to disenfranchised communities.

Compton Cowboys - Compton, CA

Just Believe - Haughton, LA

City Ranch - Baltimore, MD

Detroit Horse Power - Detroit, MI
Saddle Up & Read - Wendell, NC

Six Horses Equestrian - King City, Ontario, Canada

The Urban Equestrian Academy - Leicester, England

Ebony Horse Club - London, England

I'll be updating this as a find new programs.

Updated 01/09/2021


  1. 'strength in compassion' is definitely a mindset i'm trying to adopt right now too.... and volunteerism haha

    1. It takes A LOT to remain calm and put energy into others even in the face of adversity. Who are you volunteering with/planning to volunteer with?? Now that I found out about the program in Baltimore, I'm miffed that I never had the chance to work with them.

  2. When people ask about black on black crime I just clap back with the white on white crime statistic which is only like 2% off of the black on black crime number. Like literally there is no difference between people of like race hurting / criming (new word? lol) on each other.

    I'll link to this post in my own ally post in the donation section.

    1. There is no cognitive thought happening in the mind of anyone who brings up Black on Black crime. I'll try to keep this post updated with the hope to find at least one program per state. COVID-19 hit horse people especially hard, and I think some extra hands and cash would go a long way for these programs.


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