So, I was right, Egg Head definitely needs some R&R. Winter has maintained a boney grip on South Florida. As we approach hurricane season, the weather has been oddly dry, and the evenings have been somewhat cold. Typically, by this time of year, it's raining at least daily, and the air has hit the point of being disgustingly humid. This weekend, I stepped out of my apartment into a chilly, dry morning. It was about 71* at 9am, which is definitely not typical. By the time I arrived at the barn, a strong wind had picked up. I took Fuego out of his stall, and he was just very blah. He didn't seem super interested in doing anything. I even had to basically shove a treat into his mouth because he didn't want to take it on his own. So, with that in mind, plus the weather, I kept my expectations low and just aimed for a fun lesson. We kept the warmup pretty simple. I didn't do any extensions, no leg yields; it was mainly just maintaining a working trot and changing directi...