TOABH: Wish We Could

Let's pretend that financial restrictions don't exist and logistics isn't a nightmare.  If you could do anything with your Ponykins, what would you do?

I'd pay the bill to have Baby bred. Before downgrading and becoming the main mount of my so far modest career, Baby was a high earning HUS horse on the Paint circuit. Her previous owner and Miss S are friends, and they used to compete against each other. Not to brag, but her conformation is darn near perfect. Personally, I'd flatten out her topline, add a bit more bone, and refine her head and neck. Otherwise, she's great. She's already had two foals (which I know nothing about but want to know about). Third time's a charm?

I've entertained the idea to Miss S. Baby isn't getting used as much, and, after this season, I'll be away at college, so she'll be an every once in while horse unless Miss S gets new students. Miss S isn't entirely opposed to it; it's just the usage issue. There are two stallions that we both agree would be good matches.

First, A Fine Romance. Check out this beauty. He's a top of the line Thoroughbred. I love his form and conformation, and he's got a good head on his shoulders, which is a huge plus. He is the favorite of the two.

Second is Goldmaker. His conformation isn't as nice, and, last time I checked, he hadn't done as much as A Fine Romance, but check out that jump.

Unf, some day I will have a breeding farm full of pretty pons.


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