Broken Records

And broken wrists, probably, but never mind that. There was a mandatory schooling at the show grounds today, but thank God I didn't have to wake up any earlier than usual. I got to the barn just after 9am to help load horses and tack.

We started schooling some time around 11am. The weather was nice, just some gusts of wind at times. Baby flatted well, looking off at as many distractions as possible before settling down for the canter. I did a little hand gallop down the long side, but she wasn't too keen on maintaining that pace. I can't complain. I joined another group of kids in trotting over poles. It was all good until the second to last time when trot poles became canter poles in Baby's mind. Stop. Back. Retry. She was fine afterwards.

There was quite a bit of jumping at various heights, starting at 18" and slowly working up to 2', then 2'3", then 2'6", and finally the 2'9"-3' range for me. I had asked Miss S if I could just do a couple of fences at 3' cause, ya know, confidence, but that request was made hours before schooling, so, by that point, a half 3' course made more sense. When I say a half 3' course, I'm not kidding. One line was set to 3' all the way through, then there was a 2' to 3' line, then a 2' to 2'6" line, and finally a vertical that was maybe 2'9". Biggest issues were distances and equitation in general, but nothing that I don't have time to work on. There were three refusals for the whole day.

I have to say, this was a great way to celebrate my 4 year riding anniversary.


  1. happy 4 years riding- and kinda hope you were kidding about the broken wrist thing!

    1. Broken wrists as in puppy paws. No broken bones over here lol


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