A productvie waste of time

Wilker's Custom Horse Products recently launched their online store so customers can easily order saddle pads and half pads directly from the source. All their items have custom colors, but the best part is that when you pick the colors on the product page, it gives you a preview of what the colors will look like together, so obviously I had to spend entirely too much time making combinations. I started out with the hunter/jumper half pad.

Pretty neat, huh? Of course I had some fun with it.

And they do a baby pad:

I got pretty into it and made competition sets with the two color combos that I like. The tan half pad is actually the memory foam pad which has a base color, piping, and a trim where as the basic half pad is just a base color and a trim. Be aware of that.

Then future barn colors . . .

At this point, I want all my students to school in these at shows because I'd probably lose track of them otherwise.

For my eventer buddies, I think this is pretty convenient for you to create your colors with. I haven't had any personal experience with Wilker's, so online reviews will be your best bet. Their prices aren't bad. I'd give it a shot if I needed to.


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