Saturday Recap

Written while I attempt to queue photos to tumblr. I should be washing my breeches.

Today was rough to say the least. Baby started refusing early on, first in the morning when she was schooling with Bri. She was good schooling with me in the morning, but that happened in the pony ring. We had the Derby and the medal in the horse ring. Needless to say, it didn't end well. I got thrown off in the Derby, then the medal was just bad.

I was waiting for equitation to start, but it was getting late and Miss S was getting tired, so she had us scratch the rest of our classes.


  1. Yikes, Hope you are okay from the fall and sorry that the show didn't go as planned :(

  2. Yikes, Hope you are okay from the fall and sorry that the show didn't go as planned :(

  3. oh no - what a disappointment - hope you're ok! you guys will get 'em next time!


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