Thigh Stretch

I ride a very indecisive mare. First, she wants to go slow slow slow during warm-up, then she gets forward with some much needed encouragement, then the canter was just ew, and she finally settled into a slow stretch for cool out. I'm not sure if she's just fresh or in heat; she's a consistent horse. I'm spoiled.

That's pretty much the gist of today. She was hanging on me a lot too, but that only popped up after a very rushed and hollow left canter (which was fixed by transitions, thank you Schrammo). I did a little under 15 minutes of no stirrup work because that was the main point of today's ride, for me. I still need to not lean back in order to feel more secure in the sitting trot; it went back and forth today. Things don't go as nicely when I don't have Miss J there reminding me to put my hips where they belong.

There was a ton of polework too, all meant to be done at the sitting trot with the exception of a set up in the center which was meant to be done at the canter (which proved to be too much when the big strided horse is forward). We also got a ton of super nice leg yields to the rail in both directions. That crosses another item off of My Maclay Challenge. Yes, I've been working on that for over a year now, but slow and steady wins the class.


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