Pardon the dry spell

Haven't been riding a lot recently due to schedule conflicts. Miss El and Fifi are out this week at HITS, so I might get in a lesson next week, but then I go to school on Thursday.

I actually remembered that I wanted to reset my goals for the year. We've got four months left, therefore four new goals. I would like to take a minute to note the goals I did already accomplish this year.

✔Keep working to get Baby moving more correctly
It really just got better and better. I think the biggest change was with the halter. When I first tried it out oh so many months ago, she hung on me a lot. My general stiffness and saddle issues didn't make for a very pretty picture. But, after changing the saddle up and continuing to be soft, we achieved what was, for us, absolute perfection.

✔Get 50 entries on a giveaway
I did end up having an impromptu giveaway on tumblr because of a popular selfie in which my shirt was the funniest thing ever. I gave away that shirt plus a bag, and there are more items to come (but remember, no outfit is complete without a stylish bridle charm ;) ). I don't know the exact count, but I know I wrote down more than 50 URLs.

So, four goals for the rest of the year. I'm stealing one from the last list:
  • Not panic at my first IHSA show
  • Re-establish the sitting trot/canter
  • Soften and sit up to fences
  • Have more confidence on strong horses


  1. That shirt is pretty excellent

    1. Thank you. You should see the other nonsense I have created :)


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