2k21: A Review

2021 was the year that horses took a back seat to, well, everything else. It started with potential horse shows and ended with timidly cruising around 2'-0" courses. Eh, such is life.

I finally said screw it with Blackjack and started having fun. At first, I committed to riding more bareback because it became a necessity if I ever wanted to have a decent enough relationship with him to go to a show. As time progressed, and I absorbed more hearsay, it coupled with my own observations, and I made the decision that I wasn't going to put Blackjack through the rigors of being a show horse. It wasn't fair, and even if I was underscoring his abilities, the horse is just as happy being stuffed with treats as he is jumping around at a horse show.

There was a question of whether Liberty would be a potential show horse for me, and she could have been had she not been injured during her prison break attempt. Oh well, she too became a fun and exciting challenge this year. I'm proud of what I accomplished with her. She was unique, and I hope to meet another horse like her someday.

Sax didn't make many appearances here. Actually, she made exactly zero appearances on this blog for the time that I was taking care of her. Had I not sunk all of my free time and energy into Sax, my depression probably would have become even worse, and it was already pretty severe. I made a lot of progress on her leg fungus. Summer was rough on the rest of her skin as well. I think I spent significantly more time bathing that horse than actually riding her. We took a couple lessons, but she was ultimately a super fun trail horse. I think it was for the better. She was huge, and the arena was on the smaller side. I like to think she appreciated the space to move out. Last I heard, she was for sale, and I can only hope she went to a good home.

Satin also had a huge evolution this past year, from another potential show mount to fully retired pasture puff. It was rough to watch, naturally, but even more rough to be in between her owner and my trainer. It sucked, but I'm glad her owner stood her ground, and now Satin is living very comfortably with new friends in a massive pasture.

Those four marked my end with the last trainer. We're now a couple weeks into life at a much nicer, more organized facility. I don't have much to say about Destello and Fuego since it hasn't been long. For now, I'm doing my best to have fun.

I guess 2021 life things: graduated, moved to my own apartment, got my first full-time job, quit my first full-time job, got my second full-time job, and week by week I am ensuring that the federal government collects as little interest as possible on these student loans.

I can't lie: 2021 really sucked for me, and it's difficult to find solace in the positives. I've spent a considerable amount of time trying to honor my emotions, be open, and show myself compassion, but these skills are meant to be developed in childhood, and figuring them out as an adult isn't easy. I am both fearful and hopeful for the future. I'm glad I'm in a better situation with significantly less to worry about. Destello and Fuego are well taken care of, and that's the least I could ask for. Leasing is still uncertain for me, but time will tell.


  1. The good thing is, there will be more days and more years. Kick 2021 in the butt as we shut the door this Friday.

    1. I am shutting the door and smelting the key. Here's to 2022!


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