Equestrian Blogger Gift Exchange

My gifts have landed with their respective parties for the annual Blogger Gift Exchange. Thank you Alberta Equest for hosting! And thank you for accepting my very very late submittal . . .

I usually like to wait until it's actually Christmas (or at least close) to open presents. This year, however, I'll be traveling via Spirit Airlines, so definitely no extra space under the seat for a box.

I received a lovely box from Anxiety at A (oof, relatable)! First item was a bag of homemade cookies which I'm not 100% sure if they were for horses or humans. That being said, I finished the whole bag, and I'm alive to tell the tale, so I'll say they were for humans. No picture because they were just that good.

The pièce de résistance is a gorgeous saddle pad. It seemed simple enough when I opened the box. I saw purple and thought, Sweet! Then I took it out of the box, unfolded it, and . . . guys . . .

guys . . .

Wish y'all could have seen the excitement on my face. I was stupid happy when I saw this. As of drafting this post, I've yet to get a chance to throw this on Fuego, but give me a few hours, and I will update this post with his new habit.


  1. I'm glad you liked it!! And yes the cookies were for human consumption, I had a note all written up, sealed the box and sent it off with postal service and found the note on my desk 😳 However I do have friends who have given them to their ponies!


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