RE: Point of Failure

Some raws from Wellington

So, did it work?

The logical side of me wants to say it was inconclusive.

My ego wants to say yes.

My therapist says that I overthink things.

So what do y'all think?

It doesn't seem like my last lesson on Fuego was a fair evaluation of the theory. If this was weight lifting, you don't have to worry about the weights having a mood swing. It's the same constant day-to-day and puts your skills to the same test no matter what. Horses on the other hand? Batshit. Absolutely ludicrous. They'll make you look like a pro one day and a crackhead the next.

Only reason I'm leaning towards the exercise working is because of my muscle memory. When you're at this long enough, you know when things feel wrong. I know when my back and hips are too tight. I know when my knee is pinching and blocking the shoulder. For many years, my form would deteriorate and I would deactivate my core when a horse became more squirrely. It would cause me to start posting straight off my feet, bounce at the canter, and essentially stand in my stirrups over fences, even if I had done all those things correctly in the past. It didn't get to that point last lesson. Why? Well, my theory is that the proper fitness that I've built on Fuego was able to be reinforced (and not compromised) by a less intimidating lesson on Destello.

Now here's the hang-up: would Fuego have gone better if I hadn't skipped a lesson on him? He was ridden in another advanced lesson because I hadn't jumped him that week. While my physical abilities were reinforced, his mental abilities were challenged, and, unfortunately, he compromised. Would he have held it together without that lesson? Was the splint already making him uncomfortable? Is he a jigsaw puzzle with about five missing pieces that's mostly been put together by a toddler?

You tell me.

Side note, the structure of this post is based on one of my favorite stand-up comedy bits about Making A Murderer. Worth the listen if you have time.


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