That was unnecessary

It was such a nice morning. The weather forecast was great; I even decided not to bring my parka because it was going to be so nice.

Yeah, no.

I guess it's monsoon season. In all honesty, it is. June and July are our rainy months, and while this time of year is known for thunderstorms with moderate rain, today was more like straight rain with very little thunder and lightening, a true disappointment. On the plus side, I took cover under a golf cart and got to drive it maybe 50 yards, but I was in a golf cart so yes.

The riding thing went okay. Baby was pretty inconsistent with her speed, which put me on the defensive. I only had eq. at 2', and it was in the morning, so my day went by pretty quickly. 5th and 6th over fences then no place in the hack. Oh well. There was only one refusal for the whole day, and it was in a schooling round. I only forgot where I was going once.


  1. that rain definitely looks unpleasant! glad it was otherwise an ok day!

    1. I must admit it was pretty funny sitting on that golf cart and seeing everyone running . . .

  2. Horse showing in the rain always stinks. Glad you did okay tho!


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