This'll be new for me

My local show association is looking for donations for the medal & hunter derby finals (So if you have anything that you can donate to the prize buckets, let me know and I can get you an email!). I've wanted to put charms in each bucket for a while, but I thought it wouldn't be right if I was competing in it. Now that I'm not trying to qualify for anything, I have freedom, and so I decided that I'd put six charms in for one of the medals.

Also, since the shirt turned out so well, I'm going to do tote bags, each with a different decal. They're all meant to be (more or less) funny. I would do shirts, but sizing and price are a big issue for me. I finished all six decals last night, but I don't want to share them just yet. I want them to be a surprise for all the winners. I do, however, have the next shirt design done.

The best part about it is that while I was making it, my mom was looking over my shoulder, and I could just hear her repeating "leg" in confusion.


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