Fun, New Exercises from Horse Physio

Okay, so remember when I talked about working on in hand classical work and more advanced pole work with Music? Well, the same dude who made the polework video just posted a new one to Facebook today (or maybe he posted it earlier and I only saw it shared today).

Exercise X2
Einfaches TrainingFormation de baseBasic training
Posted by Horsephysio on Tuesday, March 1, 2016

I partially want to do it because it looks like so much fun but also because I think this might help with some of my straightness issues. I tend to rely on the rail a lot (which is why I get smacked by trees all the time), and if I'm not relying on the rail, I'm falling awkwardly close to jumps. When I come off the rail, especially on the diagonal, I find it hard to maintain straightness. Hopefully this exercise might help guide me in the right direction.

I think I might hold off on the cantering over poles (especially not raised poles) until I have it together in a straight line, but the arc that they use should be fine to trot through. Ideally, it would help to back her off of fences some.

zoom poneh


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