So I heard you like flowers

So this year, I'm going to release my spring items actually on time. I was kinda late with winter, but also El Niño made summer go longer than it was supposed to, so I was somewhat there. There are four new designs for the spring in a style that I've truly fallen in love with.

"Dream On" Graphic
Izzy's is where it all started. From there, I just kept on going.

"Great Things" Magnet
Here's Car and Roy with "You're gonna do great things".

"Positive Vibes Tank"
 Babes rocking a flower crown with the "Positive Vibes" design.

"No Scope, No Hope" Treat Tin
And finally Miss J on Romeo for the "No Scope, No Hope" graphic (personal favorite).

Again, these can be put on almost anything available from Customized Girl. Just click the "Customize this design" button in the top right of the page.

Dream On // Great Things // Positive Vibes // No Scope, No Hope


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