Baby Daddy Candidates

I wrote and scheduled this before Lucie passed. Thought about deleting it entirely, but it has good energy, and I need that right now.

This is a completely unnecessary post but whaaaa! I wanna baby horsey! I've only hit this point because of a very short conversation that I had with Trainer G about breeding Lucie. Apparently, she considered it after getting ownership, and because there were no horse shows this year, it made sense. Ultimately, she decided to breed her barrel mare, but that doesn't mean that I can't be super obnoxious and make a comprehensive list of every possible, logical match for Miss Lucie.

First, let's take a look at the baby mama. Lucie is an 11 year old off-track Thoroughbred . . . and that's all I know, lol. I've never inquired about her race name or competition history. She has done both hunters and jumpers, but I would personally consider her more of a hunter by her movement and attitude. My favorite aspects of Lucie are her build and her demeanor. She's very well put together; a touch straight through the hind legs and could be a bit larger overall, but generally a nice horse to look at. Temperament is also a huge thing for me, probably because I was introduced to all of this breeding stuff via a stock horse trainer. I don't like a crazy horse. Hot off the leg? That's fine. Forward moving and bold to fences? Yeah, not a problem. A hassle to manage on a daily basis? Nah, I like a level head and an animal that I can trust. Lucie is definitely a chill girl but even she could use a little less edge.

When it comes to breeding for sport horses, I'm super bias towards two studs: Goldmaker and Chicardo. The latter is successful on his own and with offspring. From the first video I saw of him, he seemed to be very level headed and generally nonchalant. He actually got a 10 for his character at the 70 Day Stallion Test.

Chicardo as a youngster, a full chonk

Goldmaker hasn't had as much success for no fault of his own, but one of my tumblr mutuals bred to him a couple times and omg this year's baby is such a cutie!!! The one downside is that it's unlikely that foal would be Jockey Club eligible despite both of them being Thoroughbreds. Goldmaker is very far away, and there's not even a slight chance that Trainer G would ship that far just for the registry. Good thing all of this is metaphorical!

Guildenstern (Goldmaker XX x Donna Frederica/Don Frederico) 2020 Westfalen colt,
currently for sale via Magnolia Sporthorses

Realistically tho, I don't really like Goldmaker as a cross for Lucie. He's certainly one of my favorite stallions, but I'm a bit meh about how their conformation would match up. I took to Google to see what I could find on Thoroughbred stallions standing for sport horse purposes. Let me tell you, issa big yikes to some of the creatures people will offer for breeding. Amongst the vasectomy prospects, I found Artrageous, another stud with wonderful potential that had his career cut short. He throws more hunter type babies than anything, which is fine because Lucie is probably never going to produce an eventer or upper level jumper. The only thing I don't like is that he's a bit light in the legs but overall, they could make a nice match. They would probably make youngster very similar to Lucie already but ideally with a bigger stride and more boldness.

Trainer G has also mentioned wanting to cross Lucie to a good, all around Quarter Horse. Lucie never really took to Western disciplines, but her athleticism could produce a nice Appendix. The only performance Quarter Horse that I am aware of is Howelling Corona aka Jasper. I learned about both Jasper and Goldmaker via an online forum that I used to be super active on. Jasper was a race horse and is now standing at a local stud in Maryland. His babies are very . . . Quarter Horse. To be fair, Lucie has kind of a small butt, so maybe it'll help. Most of his offspring are competing in barrels, but again his crop is very limited.

Okay, I'm done. Florida's double wide Quarantine is clearly getting to me.


  1. My thoughts on breeding are to always find a cross that will improve the mare in as many areas as possible.

  2. i've never really gone whole hog in researching breeding or anything and honestly don't know much about it, but it's so fun to speculate and look at all the pretty pictures!!


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