
There's this term in the gay community called "u-hauling." It refers to when two women move forward very quickly in a relationship, which usually leads to them moving in together early on. Hence, the U-Haul part, lol. As a large ball of anxiety who hates sharing my space, I've never been one to u-haul a girl. That is, until a few months ago. The house I moved into last August was an . . . issue. I never noticed the roaches when I toured, but literally the day that I moved in and sat down for dinner, I saw one crawl across the wall of my bedroom. And it was a BIG one. Rashida Roach did not live long, but her mother, father, siblings, cousins, and a whole host of family members were infesting that house. Oh, and did I mention that they crawled on me several times in my sleep? I started having trouble sleeping because I thought I could hear them crawling around the room.

Surprisingly, that isn't even the main reason I decided to take refuge elsewhere. For a short time, there were lizards in the house. Yes, I love geckos. Yes, I am a Geico member. No, I do not want to pull back my curtain only to be asked about saving 15% on car insurance. Oddly enough, the geckos only showed up after I got a quote from Progressive.

But then even that wasn't what set me off. My room got termites. Note, I did not say that the house had termites. My room, and only my room, had termites. Boop. I quit. Quarantined with my girlfriend while the swarm continued for two months straight. It was a very accidental but necessary u-haul.

All this to say, I moved! Which means I get to decorate again! Which means lots of little details to have fun with.

The back yard is gorgeous, but I can't capture it all in one image!

Now that I've realized there is a Dollar Store within walking distance of my office, I've been getting a bit bold. A Target trip was also necessary; before leaving my old house, I blanked on purchasing any every day kitchen and bathroom supplies. For the past few years, I've lived off of what roommates and tenants provided, but now it's time to be a big girl and . . . buy a dish, I guess? Is this adulthood?

I've always always always wanted to have black dishes with gold cutlery, and thrift stores are a banger place to get unique pieces like that. Unfortunately, due to time and quality constraints, I opted not to check the local (and only) thrift store and took what Target had to offer. The result is not as decadent as I hoped, but if you think these forks haven't inflated my ego, think again!

The Dollar Store also has a large variety of small candles. Of course, I had to make a candle tray. This thing was, like, under $10 to make and looks and smells amazing. I'm going to do another one for my dining room table, too.

Last thing I'm in the market for is either a saddle rack or a saddle pad rack. I don't have a tack area at the barn and kinda just . . . toss my dirty saddle pads into the trunk of my car when I'm done riding. Then I'll get into my car the following morning and wonder why it smells like a dead animal. I came across this gorgeous blanket rack that completely matches my earth tone/gold aesthetic. The only drawback is that hanging dirty saddle pads in my room means that the house might just end up smelling like a dead animal. My other option is to actually start storing my saddle in my house, on a stand rather than letting it live in my trunk. It's in desperate need of a good clean and condition. Maybe staring at it longingly every day will make me take better care of it.

The only downside of this house is that it had an ant problem, which then led to a lizard problem. The lizards in the last house were seasonal, but these ones are very clearly tailgating me through the front door in order to have a little snack. One ant trap later, both problems were solved. Randall and friends are happily staying outside.


  1. Omg lizards in the house was like legit my childhood dream haha. Now? Maybe not quite so much.... sounds like overall a great situation tho - congrats!

  2. I love house geckos! The were only inside because there were so many tasty snacks in your first place (and the ants in your second). I had a nasty ant problem once but borax got rid of them (though my abuela swears by burying a piece of meat in the yard).

    Congrats on moving out of that infestation!

  3. So glad you moved and got out of that situation. That's too many varmints for my liking. Yikes. I'd have never slept.


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